Beetroot gnocchi, beer soil and daikon cream

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In this delicious Norbert Niederkofler recipe, potato gnocchi is cooked in a beetroot reduction to give the dumplings a subtle, sweet flavour and dramatic pink colour. To add texture, the chef sprinkles the plates with beer soil, made by dehydrating beer, bread and charcoal. This needs to be dehydrated overnight so remember to begin your preparations plenty of time in advance.

First published in 2015




Beetroot gnocchi

Beer soil

  • 125g of flatbread
  • 150ml of lager beer
  • 1g of charcoal

Gnocchi filling

  • 100ml of cream
  • 75g of horseradish cream
  • 1.5g of agar agar

Daikon cream

  • 50g of daikon cress
  • 100g of cream
  • 100ml of milk
  • salt
  • black pepper

To serve

  • red vein sorrel leaves


  • 1cm semi-sphere moulds
  • Dehydrator
  • Blender


Begin by making the beer soil. Place the the bread, beer and charcoal in a blender and blitz to a smooth paste. Spread the mixture onto a dehydrator tray and dry overnight at 55°C. The next day, blitz the beer soil to a fine crumb and set aside
  • 1g of charcoal
  • 125g of flatbread
  • 150ml of lager beer
To prepare the beetroot for the gnocchi, place the beetroot in a blender and blitz to a purée. Pass the through a fine sieve and transfer to a saucepan. Reduce the beetroot juice by half, skimming any scum from the surface. Pass the reduction through a fine sieve and leave to cool
To make the gnocchi, boil the potatoes in salted water for 30 minutes, or until cooked through. Pass the potato through a drum sieve and place in a mixing bowl. Fold in the egg, flour, salt, pepper and 40g of the beetroot reduction
Tip the dough onto a clean work surface and lightly knead until it comes together. Wrap in cling film and rest in the fridge for 1 hour
To make the gnocchi filling, bring the cream to the boil and add the horseradish. Remove from the heat, leave to Infuse for 1 hour then pass through a fine sieve. Add the agar, bring to the boil then pour into the 1cm semi sphere moulds. Once cool, place the gnocchi filling in the freezer to set
  • 1.5g of agar agar
  • 100ml of cream
  • 75g of horseradish cream
Roll out the gnocchi dough and cut into circles. Place a piece of filling in the middle of each circle and close the dough around it
For the daikon cream, bring the milk, cream and daikon cress to the boil in a saucepan. Transfer to a blender, blitz until smooth then pass through a fine sieve. Set aside
  • 50g of daikon cress
  • 100g of cream
  • 100ml of milk
  • salt
  • black pepper
Cook the gnocchi in the remaining beetroot reduction for 4–5 minutes, or until soft
To serve, sprinkle the beer crumb down the centre of each plate and arrange 5 of the gnocchi in the middle with a drizzle of the beetroot juice. Pour the daikon purée around the gnocchi and garnish with the red vein sorrel
  • red vein sorrel leaves
First published in 2015

By only using ingredients grown and produced in the nearby Dolomite mountains, Norbert Niederkofler gave birth to a cooking philosophy famous across Italy.

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