Minestrone di verdure


A warming bowl of minestrone is always a cheery sight on a cold night. This version of the classic Italian soup by Antonio Carluccio is a great dish in itself, but to make it a more substantial meal serve with a hunk of toasted bread or add some Parma ham, prosciutto, cooked ham or bacon chunks.

First published in 2016

Minestrone is arguably Italy’s most famous soup, combining vegetables and pasta (in this case tubettini) in a simple stock. It’s a great dish to cook when you need to use up leftovers languishing in the fridge – it breathes new life into courgettes, carrots, celery, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, aubergines and potatoes, which will help thicken it, but you can use whatever is available. This particular recipe is similar to the soups served throughout Lombardy and Liguria, but there are all sorts of different varieties found throughout Italy.

Recipes taken from Pasta by Antonio Carluccio (Quadrille £9.99) Photography: Laura Edwards





  • 1kg mixed vegetables, such as carrot, celery, cabbage, potato, aubergine and courgette, cubed
  • 1 garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped
  • 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
  • 2l stock, (beef, chicken or vegetable)
  • 150g of tubettini pasta
  • 400g of borlotti beans, drained
  • 40g of Parmesan, freshly grated
  • 4 tbsp of olive oil



Begin by making the pesto. Place the fresh basil, pine nuts, garlic and a pinch of salt in a blender and blitz until you have a smooth paste. Add the olive oil, Parmesan, and 2 tablespoons of water if the mixture looks too dry. You want a thick liquid consistency
Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan and fry the garlic and onion for 2 minutes
Add the prepared vegetables and stock and cook for about 12 minutes. Add the drained beans and pasta and cook for about 6–7 minutes, or until tender. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the pesto
When ready to serve, heat the soup very gently and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle over the Parmesan and serve immediately

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