Rack of lamb, Stilton cheese and burnt leek


Combining the sweetness of lamb and leek with the sharpness of Stilton, this hearty dish by Cristina Bowerman showcases the brilliance of British produce. The lamb is prepared in a sous vide to ensure juicy flesh before being finished off on a hot grill, creating those little bits of caramelised magic.

First published in 2016




Rack of lamb

  • 1 rack of lamb, weighing 800g
  • 100g of chopped parsley, mint, garlic, oil and anchovy


  • 2 leeks, cut lengthways and thoroughly washed
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt

Chicory and kuzu sauce

  • 400g of chicory
  • 1 anchovy, in oil
  • 1/2 garlic clove
  • chilli, as needed
  • 5g of kuzu

Crispy parsley

  • 50g of parsley
  • oil, for deep frying

To garnish

  • 80g of Stilton, frozen and finely grated
  • chilli flakes, or powder if preferred


  • Chamber sealer
  • Water bath
  • Temperature probe
  • Blender
  • Deep-fryer


Place the lamb in a vacuum bag with the chopped mint, parsley, garlic, oil and anchovy. Seal the bag using a chamber sealer and set aside for at least 4 hours to marinate
  • 1 rack of lamb, weighing 800g
  • 100g of chopped parsley, mint, garlic, oil and anchovy
Preheat a water bath to 59°C
Place the bag of lamb into the water bath and cook for 90 minutes
Preheat a water bath to 90°C
For the leeks, place a frying pan over a medium-high heat and add some olive oil. Add the leeks, cut-side down, and cook until they are burnt on their surface. Allow to cool slightly, then place them in a vacuum bag with a little oil and a pinch of salt. Vacuum in a chamber sealer and cook in the water bath for 1 hour
  • 2 leeks, cut lengthways and thoroughly washed
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
Meanwhile, prepare the chicory sauce. Bring a medium-sized pan of salted water to the boil and cook the chicory for 2 minutes, draining carefully. Place a frying pan over a medium heat and, when hot, add the the chicory to the pan along with the oil, garlic, anchovy and chilli. Toss the pan and cook for a couple of minutes until softened
  • 400g of chicory
  • 1/2 garlic clove
  • 1 anchovy, in oil
  • chilli, as needed
Transfer the contents of the pan to a blender, blitz until smooth and pass through a sieve. Pour back into the pan and add the kuzu, placing over the heat until the sauce comes up to the boil. Pass through a sieve again and set aside, reheating gently just before serving
  • 5g of kuzu
Preheat a deep-fryer to 170°C
  • oil, for deep frying
For the crispy parsley wash the parsley and dry carefully, then roughly chop. Carefully place into the deep-fryer and fry until crispy. Leave to drain on kitchen paper until ready to serve
  • 50g of parsley
Remove the lamb from the water bath and vacuum bag, then place it under the grill to char until lightly caramelised. Leave to rest for 10 minutes before carving into 4 equal portions
To serve, spoon the chicory sauce onto the plate, sprinkle over a pinch of chilli and place the lamb on top. Arrange the leek next to it in the centre of the plate, then sprinkle the Stilton over the lamb and garnish with the fried leaves
  • 80g of Stilton, frozen and finely grated
  • chilli flakes, or powder if preferred

Cristina Bowerman is a multi-talented chef with a passion for travel and innovative cooking. Her creative plates are rooted in Italian tradition with international flair.

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